Making a home energy-efficient can be relatively simple if you know where to start. Save money on utility bills, keep your home comfortable, and reduce your carbon footprint. Here are a few tips to help you boost your home’s energy efficiency.

1. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Installing a programmable thermostat is one of the simplest and most effective ways to save money on your monthly heating and cooling costs. To reduce energy use in the winter, set the temperature lower when you’re away from home or asleep. Program the thermostat to adjust the living spaces to a more comfortable temperature just before you wake in the morning or arrive home from work.

2. Make Your Home Energy-Efficient Change the Air Filters

Dirty air filters make it more difficult for the HVAC system to do its job, wasting energy because the system has to work harder than usual. To prevent this from happening, change the air filters regularly. Replace the filter every 30 to 90 days, as the HVAC manufacturer recommends.

3. Weatherstrip Windows & Doors

Weatherstripping helps keep cold air out during winter by sealing gaps around windows and doors. Applying the weatherstripping material is a quick and easy DIY project requiring minimal supplies but significantly reducing home energy loss.

4. Seal Gaps & Cracks

Check for gaps and cracks in walls, window frames, doors, and ceilings that could allow cool air into your house during winter months and hot air during the summer. Seal gaps with silicone caulk or expanding foam insulation to boost energy efficiency all year round.

5. Upgrade the Lightbulbs to Make Your Home Energy-Efficient

LED bulbs use 75% less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs and last up to 25 times longer on average. Plus, LED bulbs produce less heat because they use less energy.

6. Unplug Appliances When Not In Use

Even if appliances are off, many still use power when plugged into an outlet – known as phantom power usage. To avoid this unnecessary waste of electricity, unplug appliances when not in use. Alternatively, invest in smart power strips that turn off automatically when devices enter standby mode or aren’t used for long periods.

7. Use Natural Light Whenever Possible

Instead of relying on artificial light sources, open the curtains during the day to allow sunlight into the room. Take advantage of natural light through the windows to save money on lighting costs.

8. Make Your Home Energy-Efficient by Adding Insulation

Adequate insulation keeps temperature-controlled air inside your house instead of letting it escape through walls, floors, and the roof. Check your home’s insulation and add more if necessary.

These tips will have you on the way toward better energy efficiency at home. From applying weatherstripping and changing lightbulbs to more significant investments like installing a programmable thermostat and adding insulation, homeowners can reduce monthly bills by making their homes more efficient.

First Impression Home Inspections provides inspections in the Shenandoah Valley. Contact us to request our services if you’re buying or selling a home.